Friday, August 19, 2011

Hello Kitty Duct Tape Purse w/ Ruffles

A Hello Kitty Duct Tape Purse w/ Ruffles and a very happy little girl.  I've had it in my head from the moment I saw this roll of Hello Kitty duct tape that my little girl needed a purse made out of it.  I wasn't sure exactly what that was going to look like.  Since I've been on a ruffle kick I decided to try a ruffled purse.  When I put the first ruffle on my little girl said, "Oh Pretty!".  If that isn't approval I dont' know what is.  So it was fun.  See more pictures below.

The inside.

The back.

On it's side.

It just happens to fit compact scriptures.  My guess is she will be begging me to use my scriptures on Sunday.

Here she is with her new purse.  The contents?  Her rat (yes she has a rat), a little plastic purse, and several tubes of lipgloss.  What more does a girl need?


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